A new paradigm in the diagnostic precision of Prostate Cancer 

FOCALYX® Bx Until now, the standard diagnosis of Prostate Cancer has been by a random transrectal ultrasound biopsy of the prostate gland (TRUS Bx). This procedure is generally reserved for men at risk: elevated PSA levels or elevated PSA velocity, an abnormal digital rectal exam or a combination of those. Usually about 8-14 cores are taken from "zones" pf the prostate. However, this approach carries several limitations, such as: 

  1. A TRUS Bx is performed "blindly", no distinct lesions are seen, it aims towards an area or zone of the prostate -i.e. right lateral base. As a result, areas that are in difficult location are seldom sampled

  2. They are more likely to detect low risk tunors or those of low to no clinical significance - tumors that are very unlikely to produce any significant harm to the patient, yet may trigger treatments that are likely to produce long term side effects.

  3. When Prostate Cancer is identified using this techniques, there is no precise information regarding location and dimension of these tumors. Think "there is no GPS"

  4. The risk for infection is not marginal. recent studies suggest that up to 2-3% of patients may require post TRUS Bx admission because of post biopsy fever and chills triggered by bacteria 

MRI Fusion guided Biopsy (FOCALYX® Bx)